CV (Curriculum Vitae)



Adı Soyadı: Mehmet Kanbay

Öğrenim Durumu:

Lisans/Y. Lisans
 Tıp Fakültesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa İngilizce
Tıpta Uzmanlık
 İç Hastalıkları
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı (özeti ekte)  ve Danışmanı:

“Hemodiyaliz hastalaında okült viral B hepatit sıklığı ve hepatit C enfeksiyonunun okült viral B hepatit sıklığı üzerine etkisi”. Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ankara, Haziran 2005

Danışman: Doçent Dr. Gürden Gür                                                                         


Görev Unvanı
Görev Yeri
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Yale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi- Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi
Doç. Dr.
Kayseri Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi-Nefroloji Kliniği
Doç. Dr.
İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Prof. Dr.
Koç Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları AD/Nefroloji BD

 Dergi Editörlüğü:

1.   Seminars in Nephrology dergisinin ‘Uric acid and Kidney’ özel sayısının Misafir Editörlüğü Richard Johnson ile birlikte yapılmıştır. Semin Nephrol. 2011 Sep;31(5):391-3.

2. Clinical Kidney Journal (Avrupa Nefroloji Derneği (ERA-EDTA) Dergisi), Hipertansiyon-Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Bölüm Editörü

Dergi Yürütme Kurulu Üyeliği:

1.    International Journal of Urology and Nephrology

2.    Türk Nefroloji Derneği Dergisi

Akademik Aktiviteler:

  1. Avrupa Nefroloji Derneği (ERA-EDTA), EURECA-m (EUropean REnal and CArdiovascular Medicine) çalışma grubu yürütme kurulu üyeliği, 2013-



Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler :

1.    International Society of Nephrology (ISN)

2.    European Renal Association- European Dialysis and Transplantation Association

3.    American Society of Nephrology

4.    Türk Nefroloji Derneği


Ödüller :

  1. TÜBİTAK Bilim Teşvik Ödülü, 2014
  2. Avrupa Nefroloji Derneği (ERA-EDTA), Seşkin Nefroloji Akademisyen Ödülü/Üyeliği, 2013
  3. Avrupa Nefroloji Derneği (ERA-EDTA), Genç Nefroloji Mentörlüğü, 2014-
  4. Dünya Nefroloji Derneği (ISN), Genç Nefroloji Mentörlüğü, 2013-
  5. International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Fellowship Bursu, 2008 (12 ay) (Yale University, Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Nephrology, New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
  6. TÜBİTAK Bilim İnsanı Destekleme Bursu, 2008 (12 ay) (Not: Bu burs aynı anda iki yerden burs alınamadığından kullanılmamıştır)
  7. World Congress of Nephrology, 2009, Travel Grant.
  8. ERA-EDTA, 2010, Travel Grant.

Uluslararası Kongrelerde Davetli Konuşmalar

  1. Uric acid as a cardiorenal toxin: Myte or reality; The 4th Meeting of Uremic Toxins and CardioVascular Disease is in the University Medical Groningen, Hollanda, Mayıs 20-22, 2011
  2. Urate/Allopurinol in end-stage renal disease; 9 th Renal Failure Academy, Romanya, Haziran 7-9, 2011
  3. The  role of Uric acid in develoment of chronic kidney disease. 50. ERA-EDTA congress, Invited Speaker, TÜRKİYE, 2013
  4. ERA-EDTA EUROCA-M CME course, Invited speaker, , POLAND, 2014
  5. The role of uric acid in development of cardiovascular disease. EUROCaM- CME Course, Invited Speaker, TÜRKIYE, 2014
  6. 12th  Renal Failure Academy, Invited Speaker, , ROMANIA, 2014
  7. 12th  Renal Failure Academy, Invited Speaker, , ROMANIA, 2014
  8. XVII International Nutrion Congress, Invited Speaker, GERMANY, 2014
  9. 51. ERA-EDTA congress, Invited Speaker, HOLLAND, 2014
  10. ‘Update on renal ablation for hypertension’ in CME Course about European Society of Nephrology EURECA-m CME Course ‘Cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic kidney disease’, September 4-5 2014, Iasi, Romania
  11. ‘Obezite ve Böbrek’, 4. Güncel Böbrek Hastalıkları ve Hipertansiyon Toplantısı, April 2014, Sapanca
  12.  ‘Blood Pressure Monitoring in Chronic Kidney Disease and Recent Guidelines’ 13 th Renal Failure Academy, May 2015, Sinaia, Romania
  13. ‘A new autoimmune disease: Hypertension’. 52. European Renal Association Congress, May 2015, London, England
  14. ‘Sclerostin and its impact on CKD-MBD disorder’. Clinical impact of novel players in CKD progression, September, 2015, Madrid, Spain.
  15. ‘Tuzlu yesek ancak bağırsaklarımız absorbe etmese olur mu?’. 18. Böbrek Hastalıkları ve Hipertansiyon Kongresi, Mayıs 2016, Kıbrıs.
  16. Renal congestion in heart failure: concept and impact on outcome’ 53. European Renal Association Congress, May 2016, Vienna, Australia

Kitap Bölümleri

  1. Uric acid Bölümü, Kitap adı: Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract, 9. Baskı, 2011.
  2. Urate Nephropathy Bölümü, Kitap adı: Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, 4. Baskı, 2015.

Kitap Editörlüğü:

  1. Dyslipidemias in Kidney Disease: Springer yayınevi. Editörler. Mehmet Kanbay, Adrian Covic, Edgar Lerma, 2014.
  2. Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease, Springer yayınevi. Editörler. Mehmet Kanbay, Adrian Covic, Edgar Lerma, 2016.









A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

1.      Elcioglu OC, Afsar B, Bakan A, Takir M, Ozkok A, Oral A, Kostek O, Basci S,Kanbay A, Toprak AE, Bahat KA, Kalcioglu MT, Kanbay M. Chronic rhinosinusitis, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2016 May;30(3):58-61. doi: 10.2500/ajra.2016.30.4325. PubMed PMID: 27216336.

2.      Glaser J, Lemery J, Rajagopalan B, Diaz HF, García-Trabanino R, Taduri G,Madero M, Amarasinghe M, Abraham G, Anutrakulchai S, Jha V, Stenvinkel P,Roncal-Jimenez C, Lanaspa MA, Correa-Rotter R, Sheikh-Hamad D, Burdmann EA, Andres-Hernando A, Milagres T, Weiss I, Kanbay M, Wesseling C, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Johnson RJ. Climate Change and the Emergent Epidemic of CKD from Heat Stress in Rural Communities: The Case for Heat Stress Nephropathy. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 May 5. pii: CJN.13841215. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27151892.

3.      Parati G, Ochoa JE, Bilo G, Agarwal R, Covic A, Dekker FW, Fliser D, Heine GH, Jager KJ, Gargani L, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F, Massy Z, Ortiz A, Picano E, Rossignol P, Sarafidis P, Sicari R, Vanholder R, Wiecek A, London G, Zoccali C; European Renal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of the European Renal Association–European Dialysis Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA). Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Part 1: Out-of-Office Blood Pressure Monitoring: Methods, Thresholds, and Patterns. Hypertension. 2016 Jun;67(6):1093-101. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.06895. Epub 2016 May 2. PubMed PMID: 27141058.

4.      Parati G, Ochoa JE, Bilo G, Agarwal R, Covic A, Dekker FW, Fliser D, Heine GH, Jager KJ, Gargani L, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F, Massy Z, Ortiz A, Picano E, Rossignol P, Sarafidis P, Sicari R, Vanholder R, Wiecek A, London G, Zoccali C; European Renal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA). Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Part 2: Role of Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring for Assessing Alterations in Blood Pressure Variability and Blood Pressure Profiles. Hypertension. 2016 Jun;67(6):1102-10. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.06896. Epub 2016 May 2. PubMed PMID: 27141057.

5.      Kanbay M, Solak Y, Afsar B, Nistor I, Aslan G, Çağlayan OH, Aykanat A, Donciu MD, Lanaspa MA, Ejaz AA, Johnson RJ, Covic A. Serum Uric Acid and Risk for Acute Kidney Injury Following Contrast: An Evaluation of Epidemiology, Clinical Trials,and Potential Mechanisms. Angiology. 2016 Apr 21. pii: 0003319716644395. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27106252.

6.      Solak Y, Afsar B, Vaziri ND, Aslan G, Yalcin CE, Covic A, Kanbay M. Hypertension as an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. Hypertens Res. 2016 Apr 7. doi: 10.1038/hr.2016.35. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PubMed PMID: 27053010.

7.      Afsar B, Yilmaz MI, Siriopol D, Unal HU, Saglam M, Karaman M, Gezer M, Sonmez A, Eyileten T, Aydin I, Hamcan S, Oguz Y, Covic A, Kanbay M. Thyroid function and cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients. J Nephrol. 2016 Apr 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27039198.

8.      Yilmaz MI, Siriopol D, Saglam M, Unal HU, Karaman M, Gezer M, Kilinc A, Eyileten T, Guler AK, Aydin İ, Vural A, Oguz Y, Covic A, Ortiz A, Kanbay M. Osteoprotegerin in Chronic Kidney Disease: Associations with Vascular Damage and Cardiovascular Events. Calcif Tissue Int. 2016 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27016924.

9.      Kanbay M, Afsar B, Siriopol D, Unal HU, Karaman M, Saglam M, Eyileten T, Gezer M, Verim S, Oguz Y, Vural A, Ortiz A, Johnson RJ, Covic A, Yilmaz MI. Relevance of uric acid and asymmetric dimethylarginine for modeling cardiovascular risk prediction in chronic kidney disease patients. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27007614.

10.   Mendi MA, Afsar B, Oksuz F, Turak O, Yayla C, Ozcan F, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Uric Acid is a Useful Tool to Predict Contrast-Induced Nephropathy. Angiology. 2016 Mar 22. pii: 0003319716639187. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27006404.

11.   Sag AA, Sos TA, Benli C, Sal O, Rossignol P, Ortiz A, Solak Y, Kanbay M. Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis in the post-CORAL era part 2: new directions in Transcatheter Nephron Salvage following flawed revascularization trials. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2016 Apr;10(4):368-77. doi:0.1016/j.jash.2016.02.005. Epub 2016 Feb 26. Review. PubMed PMID: 26996432.

12.   Yalcin CE, Turak O, Kanbay M. Reply to: The Triglyceride to High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio Is a Useful Marker to Predict Unfavorable Cardiovascular Outcomes, But Other Confounding Factors Should Be Considered. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2016 Mar 14. doi: 10.1111/jch.12805. [Epub ahead of

print] PubMed PMID: 26988242.

13.   Vanholder R, Fouque D, Glorieux G, Heine GH, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F, Massy ZA, Ortiz A, Rossignol P, Wiecek A, Zoccali C, London GM; European Renal Association  European Dialysis; Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) European Renal; Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group. Clinical management of the uraemic syndrome in chronic kidney disease. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 Apr;4(4):360-73. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(16)00033-4. Epub 2016 Mar 3. Review. PubMed PMID: 26948372.

14.   Sag AA, Inal I, Okcuoglu J, Rossignol P, Ortiz A, Afsar B, Sos TA, Kanbay M. Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis in the post-CORAL era part 1: the renal penumbra concept and next-generation functional diagnostic imaging. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2016 Apr;10(4):360-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2016.02.009. Epub 2016 Feb 23. Review. PubMed PMID: 26944791.

15.   Sag AA, Covic A, London G, Vervloet M, Goldsmith D, Gorriz JL, Kanbay M. Clinical imaging of vascular disease in chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print]

16.   Turak O, Afşar B, Ozcan F, Öksüz F, Mendi MA, Yayla Ç, Covic A, Bertelsen N, Kanbay M. The Role of Plasma Triglyceride/High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio to Predict New Cardiovascular Events in Essential Hypertensive Patients. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Dec 22. doi: 10.1111/jch.12758. [Epub ahead of print]

17.   Kanbay M, Jensen T, Solak Y, Le M, Roncal-Jimenez C, Rivard C, Lanaspa MA, Nakagawa T, Johnson RJ. Uric acid in metabolic syndrome: From an innocent bystander to a central player. Eur J Intern Med. 2015 Dec 15. pii: S0953-6205(15)00423-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2015.11.026. [Epub ahead of print] 

18.   Selcukbiricik F, Kanbay M, Solak Y, Bilici A, Kanıtez M, Balık E, Mandel NM. Serum uric acid as a surrogate marker of favorable response to bevacizumab treatment in patients with metastatic colon cancer. Clin Transl Oncol. 2016 Jan 19. [Epub ahead of print]

19.   Hogas S, Schiller A, Voroneanu L, Constantinescu D, Timar R, Cianga P, Siriopol D, Bob F, Cianga C, Onofriescu M, Gadalean F, Hogas M, Mihaescu A, Bilha SC, Timar B, Kanbay M, Banach M, Covic A. Predictive Value for Galectin 3 and Cardiotrophin 1 in Hemodialysis Patients. Angiology. 2016 Jan 18. pii: 0003319715623397. [Epub ahead of print]

20.   Afsar B, Ortiz A, Covic A, Solak Y, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M. Focus on renal congestion in heart failure. Clin Kidney J. 2016 Feb;9(1):39-47. 

21.   Ejaz AA, Alquadan KF, Dass B, Shimada M, Kanbay M, Johnson RJ. Effects of Serum Uric Acid on Estimated GFR in Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Pilot Study.  Am J Nephrol. 2015;42(6):402-9. 

22.   Takir M, Kostek O, Ozkok A, Elcioglu OC, Bakan A, Erek A, Mutlu HH, Telci O, Semerci A, Odabas AR, Afsar B, Smits G, ALanaspa M, Sharma S, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Lowering Uric Acid With Allopurinol Improves Insulin Resistance and Systemic Inflammation in Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia. J Investig Med. 2015 Dec;63(8):924-9.

23.   Rossignol P, Massy ZA, Azizi M, Bakris G, Ritz E, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Heine GH, Jager KJ, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F, Ortiz A, Vanholder R, Wiecek A, Zoccali C, London GM, Stengel B, Fouque D; The double challenge of resistant hypertension and chronic kidney disease. ERA-EDTA EURECA-m working group; Red de Investigación Renal (REDINREN) network; Cardiovascular and Renal Clinical Trialists (F-CRIN INI-CRCT) network. Lancet. 2015 Oct 17;386(10003):1588-98

24.   Turak O, Afsar B, Siriopol D, Ozcan F, Cagli K, Yayla C, Oksuz F, Mendi MA, Kario K, Covic A, Kanbay M. Morning Blood Pressure Surge as a Predictor of Development of Chronic Kidney Disease. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Nov 4. doi: 10.1111/jch.12707. [Epub ahead of print]

25.   Solak Y, Yilmaz MI, Siriopol D, Saglam M, Unal HU, Yaman H, Gok M, Cetinkaya H, Gaipov A, Eyileten T, Sari S, Yildirim AO, Tonbul HZ, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is associated with cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Oct 26. [Epub ahead of print]

26.   Solak Y, Kario K, Covic A, Bertelsen N, Afsar B, Ozkok A, Wiecek A, Kanbay M. Clinical value of ambulatory blood pressure: Is it time to recommend for all patients with hypertension? Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015 Oct 22. [Epub ahead of print]

27.   Siriopol D, Voroneanu L, Hogas S, Apetrii M, Gramaticu A, Dumea R, Burlacu A, Sascau R, Kanbay M, Covic A. Bioimpedance analysis versus lung ultrasonography for optimal risk prediction in hemodialysis patients. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]

28.   von Lueder TG, Girerd N, Atar D, Agewall S, Lamiral Z, Kanbay M, Pitt B, Dickstein K, Zannad F, Rossignol P; High-Risk Myocardial Infarction Database Initiative Investigators. Serum uric acid is associated with mortality and heart failure hospitalizations in patients with complicated myocardial infarction: findings from the High-Risk Myocardial Infarction Database Initiative. Eur J Heart Fail. 2015 Oct 1. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.419.

29.   Onofriescu M, Siriopol D, Voroneanu L, Hogas S, Nistor I, Apetrii M, Florea L, Veisa G, Mititiuc I, Kanbay M, Sascau R, Covic A. Overhydration, Cardiac Function and Survival in Hemodialysis Patients. PLoS One. 2015 Aug  4;10(8):e0135691.

30.   Afsar B, Ortiz A, Covic A, Gaipov A, Esen T, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Sep;47(9):1521-8.

31.   Elcioglu OC, Afsar B, Takir M, Toprak AE, Bakan A, Bakan S, Kostek O, Oral A, Erman H, Covic A, Kanbay M. Renalase: Another puzzle piece between hypertension and simple renal cysts? Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Jul;47(7):1181-6.

32.   Zoccali C, Bolignano D, D'Arrigo G, Dekker FW, Fliser D, Heine GH, Jager KJ, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F, Massy Z, Ortiz A, Parati G, Rossignol P, Tripepi G, Vanholder R, Wiecek A, London G. Validity of Vascular Calcification as a Screening Tool and as a Surrogate End Point in Clinical Research. Hypertension. 2015 Jul;66(1):3-9.

33.   Afsar B, Kanbay M. Reply to: Hemodynamic and Arterial Stiffness Parameters in Ambulatory Blood Pressure Phenotypes and the Clinical Scenario of Polypharmacy and Comorbidities. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Aug;17(8):656.

34.   Bakan A, Oral A, Elcioglu OC, Takir M, Kostek O, Ozkok A, Basci S, Sumnu A, Ozturk S, Sipahioglu M, Turkmen A, Voroneanu L, Covic A, Kanbay M. Hyperuricemia is associated with progression of IgA nephropathy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Apr;47(4):673-8.

35.   Aykas F, Solak Y, Erden A, Bulut K, Dogan S, Sarli B, Acmaz G, Afsar B, Siriopol D, Covic A, Sharma S, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Persistence of cardiovascular risk factors in women with previous preeclampsia: a long-term follow-up study. J Investig Med. 2015 Apr;63(4):641-5.

36.   Covic A, Goldsmith D, Donciu MD, Siriopol D, Popa R, Kanbay M, London G. From Profusion to Confusion: The Saga of Managing Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease! J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Jun;17(6):421-7.

37.   Bertelsen N, Kanbay M. A new risk factor for cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors: education. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 May;17(5):338-9.

38.   Akin F, Celik O, Ayca B, Altun I, Diker VO, Byk I, Siriopol D, Covic A, Kanbay M. Associations of fibroblast growth factor 23 and fetuin-A with coronary plaque burden and plaque composition in young adults. J Investig Med. 2015 Apr;63(4):613-9. doi: 10.1097/JIM.0000000000000153. PubMed PMID: 25679296.

39.   Afsar B, Elsurer R, Kirkpantur A, Kanbay M. Urinary sodium excretion and ambulatory blood pressure findings in patients with hypertension. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Mar;17(3):200-6. doi: 10.1111/jch.12464. Epub 2015 Jan 5. PubMed PMID: 25557001.

40.   Kanbay M, Afsar B. Are All β-Blockers the Same? Nebivolol Vasodilator Properties and Evidence for Relevance in Treatment of Hypertension. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015 Jan;17(1):20-1.

41.   Afsar B, Takir M, Kostek O, Covic A, Kanbay M. Endocan: a new molecule playing a role in the development of hypertension and chronic kidney disease? J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Dec;16(12):914-6

42.   Nistor I, Bararu I, Apavaloaie MC, Voroneanu L, Donciu MD, Kanbay M, Nagler EV, Covic A. Vasopressin receptor antagonists for the treatment of heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:25281314 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

43.   Schiller A, Apetrii M, Onofriescu M, Siriopol D, Veisa G, Schiller O, Bob F, Timar R, Mihaescu A, Kanbay M, Covic A. Prognostic significance of 25-hydroxivitamin D entirely explained by a higher comorbidity burden: Experience from a South-Eastern European Dialysis Cohort. Hemodial Int. 2014 Sep 23. doi: 10.1111/hdi.12226. [Epub ahead of print]

44.   Solak Y, Covic A, Kanbay M. What Do We Know and Do Not Know About Vitamin D?: A Causal Association Between Vitamin D Receptor Genetic Polymorphism and Hypertension. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Sep;16(9):627-8. doi: 10.1111/jch.12383.

45.    Kanbay M, Siriopol D, Saglam M, Gulcan Kurt Y, Gok M, Cetinkaya H, Karaman M,Umut Unal H, Oguz Y, Sari S, Eyileten T, Goldsmith D, Vural A, Veisa G, Covic A, Ilker Yilmaz M. Serum sclerostin and adverse outcomes in non-dialyzed chronic kidney disease patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Oct;99(10):E1854-61.

46.   Aribas A, Kayrak M, Ulucan S, Keser A, Demir K, Alibasic H, Akilli H, Solak Y, Avci A, Turan Y, Kaya Z, Katlandur H, Kanbay M. The relationship between uric acid and erectile dysfunction in hypertensive subjects. Blood Press. 2014 Jul 6:1-7.

47.    Yilmaz MI, Siriopol D, Saglam M, Kurt YG, Unal HU, Eyileten T, Gok M, Cetinkaya H, Oguz Y, Sari S, Vural A, Mititiuc I, Covic A, Kanbay M. Plasma endocan levels associate with inflammation, vascular abnormalities,cardiovascular events, and survival in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2014 Jul 2. doi: 10.1038/ki.2014.227.

48.    Turak O, Afsar B, Ozcan F, Canpolat U, Grbovic E, Mendi MA, Oksuz F, Siriopol D, Covic A, Caliskan M, McFann K, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Relationship between elevated morning blood pressure surge, uric Acid, and cardiovascular outcomes in hypertensive patients. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Jul;16(7):530-5. doi:10.1111/jch.12359.

49.    Kanbay M, Solak Y, Gaipov A, Takir M, Weiner DE. Allopurinol as a kidney-protective, cardioprotective, and antihypertensive agent: hype or reality? Blood Purif. 2014;37(3):172-8. doi: 10.1159/000360520. Epub 2014 May 27.

50.    Afsar B, Covic A, Kanbay M. Renal artery stenting in patients with uncontrolled hypertension: should we? And to whom? J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Jul;16(7):479-81. doi:10.1111/jch.12344.

51.    Ortiz A, Covic A, Fliser D, Fouque D, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M, Mallamaci F,Massy ZA, Rossignol P, Vanholder R, Wiecek A, Zoccali C, London GM; Board of the EURECA-m Working Group of ERA-EDTA. Epidemiology, contributors to, and clinical trials of mortality risk in chronic kidney failure. Lancet. 2014 May 24;383(9931):1831-43. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60384-6.

52.    Kanbay M, Solak Y, Unal HU, Kurt YG, Gok M, Cetinkaya H, Karaman M, Oguz Y, Eyileten T, Vural A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Turak O, Yilmaz MI. Monocyte count/HDL cholesterol ratio and cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 Aug;46(8):1619-25. doi:10.1007/s11255-014-0730-1.

53.   Kanbay A, Inonu H, Solak Y, Erden A, Uslu E, Yuksel SA, Ozturk MA, McFann K, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Uric acid as a potential mediator of cardiovascular morbidity in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Eur J Intern Med. 2014 Jun;25(5):471-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2014.04.005.

54.   Yilmaz MI, Solak Y, Saglam M, Cayci T, Acikel C, Unal HU, Eyileten T, Oguz Y, Sari S, Carrero JJ, Stenvinkel P, Covic A, Kanbay M. The Relationship between IL-10 Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Patients with CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Jul 7;9(7):1207-16. doi: 10.2215/CJN.0866081.

55.   Kanbay M, Siriopol D, Nistor I, Elcioglu OC, Telci O, Takir M, Johnson RJ, Covic A. Effects of allopurinol on endothelial dysfunction: a meta-analysis. Am J Nephrol. 2014;39(4):348-56. doi: 10.1159/000360609.

56.   Onofriescu M, Hogas S, Voroneanu L, Apetrii M, Nistor I, Kanbay M, Covic AC. Bioimpedance-guided fluid management in maintenance hemodialysis: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2014 Jul;64(1):111-8. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2014.01.420.

57.   Solak Y, Akilli H, Kayrak M, Aribas A, Gaipov A, Turk S, Perez-Pozo SE, Covic A, McFann K, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Uric acid level and erectile dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease. J Sex Med. 2014 Jan;11(1):165-72. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12332.

58.   Ozkok A, Kanbay A, Odabas AR, Covic A, Kanbay M. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and chronic kidney disease: a new cardiorenal risk factor. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2014;36(4):211-6. doi: 10.3109/10641963.2013.804546.

59.   Akin F, Ayça B, Köse N, Celik O, Yilmaz Y, Akin MN, Arinc H, Ozkok A, Covic A, Kanbay M. Serum vitamin D and C-reactive protein levels are independently associated with diastolic dysfunction. J Investig Med. 2014 Jan;62(1):43-8.

60.   Solak Y, Yilmaz MI, Saglam M, Demirbas S, Verim S, Unal HU, Gaipov A,       Oguz Y, Kayrak M, Caglar K, Vural A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Mean Corpuscular Volume is Associated with Endothelial Dysfunction and Predicts Composite Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Nephrology (Carlton). 2013 Jul 12. doi: 10.1111/nep.12130.

61.    Kanbay M, Bayram Y, Solak Y, Sanders PW. Dietary potassium: a key mediator of the cardiovascular response to dietary sodium chloride. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2013 Sep-Oct;7(5):395-400.

62.   Kanbay M, Turak O, Johnson RJ. REPLY TO: Serum uric acid still carries controversies about its role in endothelial dysfunction. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2013 Apr;15(4):297.

63.   Sen N, Afsar B, Ozcan F, Buyukkaya E, Isleyen A, Akcay AB, Yuzgecer H, Kurt M, Karakas MF, Basar N, Hajro E, Kanbay M. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio was associated with impaired myocardial perfusion and long term adverse outcome in patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary intervention. Atherosclerosis. 2013 May;228(1):203-10.

64.   Johnson RJ, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Mazzali M, Feig DI, Kanbay M, Sautin YY. What are the key arguments against uric acid as a true risk factor for hypertension? Hypertension. 2013 May;61(5):948-51.

65.   Yilmaz MI, Turgut F, Kanbay M, Saglam M, Sonmez A, Yaman H, Demirbas S, Unal HU, Gok M, Karaman M, Ay SA, Demirkaya E, Covic A, Carrero JJ. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels are inversely related to endothelial function in chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2013 Aug;45(4):1071-8.

66.   Kanbay M, Segal M, Afsar B, Kang DH, Rodriguez-Iturbe B, Johnson RJ.  The role of uric acid in the pathogenesis of human cardiovascular disease. Heart Jun;99(11):759-66.

67.   Lanaspa MA, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Choi YJ, Cicerchi C, Kanbay M, Roncal-Jimenez CA, Ishimoto T, Li N, Marek G, Duranay M, Schreiner G, Rodriguez-Iturbe B, Nakagawa T, Kang DH, Sautin DY, Johnson RJ. Uric acid induces Hepatic Steatosis by Generation of Mitochondrial  Oxidative Stress: Potential Role in Fructose-Dependent and-Independent Fatty Liver. J Biol Chem. 2012 Nov 23;287(48):40732-44.

68.   Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Sonmez A, Solak Y, Saglam M, Cakir E, Unal HU, Arslan E,  Verim S, Madero M, Caglar K, Oguz Y, McFann K, Johnson RJ. Serum Uric Acid Independently Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Advanced Nephropathy. Am J Nephrol 2012;36:324-331.

69.   Turak O, Özcan F, Tok D, İşleyen A, Sökmen E, Taşoğlu I, Aydoğdu S, Sen N, McFann K, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Serum Uric Acid, Inflammation and Nondipping Circadian Pattern in Essential Hypertension. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (In press).

70.   Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O,Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print]

71.   Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Apetrii M, Saglam M, Yaman H, Unal HU, Gok M, Caglar K,Oguz Y, Yenicesu M, Cetinkaya H, Eyileten T, Acikel C, Vural A, Covic A. Relationship between Serum Magnesium Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Am J Nephrol. 2012 Aug 30;36(3):228-237.

72.   Solak Y, Biyik Z, Atalay H, Gaipov A, Guney F, Turk S, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M. Pregabalin versus Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pruritus in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: a Prospective Crossover Study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2012 Aug 22. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1797.2012.01655.

73.   Ozkok A, Elcioglu OC, Cukadar T, Bakan A, Sasak G, Atilgan KG, Alisir S, Kanbay M, Covic A, Odabas AR. Low serum pancreatic enzyme levels predict mortality and are associated with malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome in patients with chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Aug 2.[Epub ahead of print]

74.   Solak Y, Gul EE, Kayrak M, Atalay H, Abdulhalikov T, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Electrocardiographic P-wave characteristics in patients with end-stage renal disease: P-index and interatrial block. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 May 12. [Epub ahead of print

75.   Akin F, Ayça B, Köse N, Duran M, Sari M, Uysal OK, Karakukcu C, Arinc H, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Okçün B, Kanbay M. Serum vitamin D levels are independently associated with severity of coronary artery disease. J Investig Med. 2012 Aug;60(6):869-73.

76.   Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Afsar B, Saglam M, Akgul EO, Cayci T, Caglar K, Unal HU, Gok M, Vural A, Covic A. Serum calcitonin and endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: a novel risk factor? Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]

77.   Akcay AB, Ozlu MF, Sen N, Cay S, Ozturk OH, Yalcn F, Bilen P, Kanat S, Karakas MF, Isleyen A, Demir AD, Sogut S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Prognostic significance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. J Investig Med. 2012 Feb;60(2):508-13.

78.   Kanbay M, Wolf M, Selcoki Y, Solak Y, Ikizek M, Uysal S, Segall L, Armutcu F, Eryonucu B, Duranay M, Goldsmith D, Covic A. Association of serum calcitonin with coronary artery disease in individuals with and without chronic kidney disease.Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Aug;44(4):1169-75.

79.   Ozturk MA, Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Onat AM, Guz G, Furst DE, Ben-Chetrit E. Therapeutic approach to familial Mediterranean fever: a review update. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jul-Aug;29(4 Suppl 67):S77-86. Epub 2011 Sep 27. Review.

80.   Johnson RJ, Kanbay M, Sánchez-Lozada LG. The rediscovery of uric acid in cardiorenal disease: introduction. Semin Nephrol. 2011 Sep;31(5):391-3.

81.   Afsar B, Elsurer R, Kanbay M. The relationship between breakfast, lunch and dinner eating pattern and hemodialysis sessions, quality of life, depression and appetite in hemodialysis patients. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Oct;44(5):1507-14.

82.   Johnson RJ, Kanbay M, Kang DH, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Feig D. Uric acid: a clinically useful marker to distinguish preeclampsia from gestational hypertension. Hypertension. 2011 Oct;58(4):548-9.

83.   Yilmaz MI, Solak Y, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M. Renal anemia of inflammation: the name is self-explanatory. Blood Purif. 2011;32(3):220-5.

84.   Kanbay M, Huddam B, Azak A, Solak Y, Kadioglu GK, Kirbas I, Duranay M, Covic A, Johnson RJ. A randomized study of allopurinol on endothelial function and estimated glomular filtration rate in asymptomatic hyperuricemic subjects with normal renal function. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Aug;6(8):1887-94.

85.   Kanbay M, Turkmen K, Ecder T, Covic A. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: from old concepts to novel insights. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Feb;44(1):173-82.

86.   Sen N, Ozlu MF, Akgul EO, Kanat S, Cayci T, Turak O, Yaman H, Sokmen E, Ozcan F, Maden O, Demir AD, Covic A, Kanbay M. Elevated plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine level in acute myocardial infarction patients as a predictor of poor prognosis and angiographic impaired reperfusion. Atherosclerosis. 2011 Nov;219(1):304-10.

87.   Kanbay M, Solak Y, Covic A, Goldsmith D. Sudden cardiac death in patients with chronic kidney disease: prevention is the sine qua non. Kidney Blood Pres Res. 2011;34(4):269-76.

88.   Afsar B, Elsurer R, Covic A, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Relationship between uric acid and subtle cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease. Am J Nephrol. 2011;34(1):49-54.

89.   Kanbay M, Afsar B, Covic A. Uric acid as a cardiometabolic risk factor: to be or not to be. Contrib Nephrol. 2011;171:62-7.

90.   Karadag R, Keskin UC, Koktener A, Selcoki Y, Hepsen IF, Kanbay M. Ocular pulse amplitude and retrobulbar blood flow change in dipper and non-dipper individuals. Eye (Lond). 2011 Jun;25(6):762-6.

91.   Basar N, Sen N, Ozcan F, Erden G, Kanat S, Sokmen E, Isleyen A, Yuzgecer H, Ozlu MF, Yildirimkaya M, Maden O, Covic A, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Elevated serum uric acid predicts angiographic impaired reperfusion and 1-year mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. J Investig Med. 2011 Aug;59(6):931-7.

92.   Kanbay M, Ikizek M, Solak Y, Selcoki Y, Uysal S, Armutcu F, Eryonucu B, Covic A, Johnson RJ. Uric acid and pentraxin-3 levels are independently associated with coronary artery disease risk in patients with stage 2 and 3 kidney disease. Am J Nephrol. 2011;33(4):325-31.

93.   Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Sonmez A, Turgut F, Saglam M, Cakir E, Yenicesu M, Covic A, Jalal D, Johnson RJ. Serum uric acid level and endothelial dysfunction in patients with nondiabetic chronic kidney disease. Am J Nephrol. 2011;33(4):298-304.

94.   Basar N, Sen N, Kanat S, Ozlu MF, Ozcan F, Cay S, Erden G, Cagli KE, Yildirimkaya M, Maden O, Covic A, Kanbay M. Lower fetuin-A predicts angiographic impaired reperfusion and mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction. J Investig Med. 2011 Jun;59(5):816-22.

95.   Kanbay M, Chen Y, Solak Y, Sanders PW. Mechanisms and consequences of salt sensitivity and dietary salt intake. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2011 Jan;20(1):37-43.

96.   Kanbay M, Solak Y, Dogan E, Lanaspa MA, Covic A. Uric acid in hypertension and renal disease: the chicken or the egg? Blood Purif. 2010;30(4):288-95.

97.   Duranay M, Segall L, Sen N, Yilmaz FM, Cetin M, Isleyen A, Kanbay M, Covic A. Bone morphogenic protein-7 serum level decreases significantly in patients with contrast-induced nephropathy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2011 Sep;43(3):807-12.

98.   Kanbay M, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Franco M, Madero M, Solak Y, Rodriguez-Iturbe B, Covic A, Johnson RJ. Microvascular disease and its role in the brain and cardiovascular system: a potential role for uric acid as a cardiorenal toxin. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Feb;26(2):430-7.

99.   Kanbay M, Afsar B, Goldsmith D, Covic A. Sudden death in hemodialysis: an update. Blood Purif. 2010;30(2):135-45.

100.Kanbay M, Nicoleta M, Selcoki Y, Ikizek M, Aydin M, Eryonucu B, Duranay M, Akcay A, Armutcu F, Covic A. Fibroblast growth factor 23 and fetuin A are independent predictors for the coronary artery disease extent in mild chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Oct;5(10):1780-6.

101.Kargili A, Turgut FH, Karakurt F, Kasapoglu B, Kanbay M, Akcay A. A forgotten but important risk factor for severe hyponatremia: myxedema coma. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2010 Apr;65(4):447-8.

102.Covic A, Kanbay M, Voroneanu L, Turgut F, Serban DN, Serban IL, Goldsmith DJ. Vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease. Clin Sci (Lond). 2010 Apr 28;119(3):111-21.

103.Mazzali M, Kanbay M, Segal MS, Shafiu M, Jalal D, Feig DI, Johnson RJ. Uric acid and hypertension: cause or effect? Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2010 Apr;12(2):108-17.

104.Bavbek N, Akay H, Uz B, Uz E, Turgut F, Kanbay M, Senes M, Akcay A, Duranay M. The effects of L-carnitine therapy on respiratory function tests in chronic hemodialysis patients. Ren Fail. 2010 Jan;32(2):157-61.

105.Kanbay M, Goldsmith D, Uyar ME, Turgut F, Covic A. Magnesium in chronic kidney disease: challenges and opportunities. Blood Purif. 2010;29(3):280-92.

106.Duranay M, Kanbay M, Akay H, Unverdi S, Sürer H, Altay M, Kirbaş I, Covic A,Zoccali C. Nebivolol improves renal function in patients who underwent angioplasty due to renal artery stenosis: a pilot study. Nephron Clin Pract. 2010;114(3):c213-7.

107.Kanbay M, Afsar B, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Covic A. Arterial stiffness in dialysis patients: where are we now? Int Urol Nephrol. 2010 Sep;42(3):741-52.

108.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Perazella MA. Acute tubular necrosis and pre-renal acute kidney injury: utility of urine microscopy in their evaluation- a systematic review. Int Urol Nephrol. 2010 Jun;42(2):425-33.

109.Kanbay M, Perazella MA, Kasapoglu B, Koroglu M, Covic A. Erythropoiesis stimulatory agent- resistant anemia in dialysis patients: review of causes and management. Blood Purif. 2010;29(1):1-12.

110.Kanbay M, Turgut F, Covic A, Goldsmith D. Statin treatment for dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease and renal transplantation: a review of the evidence. J Nephrol. 2009 Sep-Oct;22(5):598-609.

111.Turgut F, Kasapoğlu B, Kanbay M. Uric acid, cardiovascular mortality, and long-term outcomes in CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009 Sep;54(3):582; author reply

112.Kanbay M, Covic A, Coca SG, Turgut F, Akcay A, Parikh CR. Sodium bicarbonate for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: a meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials. Int Urol Nephrol. 2009;41(3):617-27.

113.Guz G, Kanbay M, Ozturk MA. Current perspectives on familial Mediterranean fever. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2009 Jun;22(3):309-15.

114.Kanbay M, Goldsmith D, Akcay A, Covic A. Phosphate - the silent stealthy cardiorenal culprit in all stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. Blood Purif. 2009;27(2):220-30.

115.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Akcay A. Sodium bicarbonate vs sodium chloride in preventing contrast medium-induced nephropathy. JAMA. 2009 Jan 28;301(4):378;author reply

116.Bavbek N, Isik B, Kargili A, Uz E, Uz B, Kanbay M, Turgut F, Karakurt F, Akcay A. Association of obesity with inflammation in occult chronic kidney disease. J Nephrol. 2008 Sep-Oct;21(5):761-7.

117.Kurtaran H, Uyar ME, Kasapoglu B, Turkay C, Yilmaz T, Akcay A, Kanbay M. Role of Helicobacter pylori in pathogenesis of upper respiratory system diseases. J Natl Med Assoc. 2008 Oct;100(10):1224-30.

118.Ellis MJ, Parikh CR, Inrig JK, Kanbay M, Patel UD. Chronic kidney disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation: a systematic review. Am J Transplant. 2008 Nov;8(11):2378-90. Review. Erratum in: Am J Transplant. 2009 Apr;9(4):865.Kambay, M [corrected to Kanbay, M].

119.Kanbay M, Turgut F, Uyar ME, Akcay A, Covic A. Causes and mechanisms of nondipping hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2008 Oct;30(7):585-97.

120.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Turgut F, Akcay A. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with higher mortality in men with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2008 Oct;74(7):967-8; author reply 968.

121.Perazella MA, Coca SG, Kanbay M, Brewster UC, Parikh CR. Diagnostic value of urine microscopy for differential diagnosis of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Nov;3(6):1615-9.

122.Selcuk H, Korkmaz M, Kanbay M, Tore E, Sumer H, Unal H, Yeloglu O, Gur G, Bilezikci B, Demirhan B, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. Total colonic polyp diameter: a marker for the risk of malignancy? Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 May-Jun;55(84):936-9.

123.Karadag R, Yagci R, Aydin B, Kanbay M, Erdurmus M, Keskin UC, Akcay A, Durmus M. Effects of erytropoietin treatment and hemodialysis on the serum endothelin level and intraocular pressure of hemodialysis patients. Int Ophthalmol. 2009 Oct;29(5):385-8.

124.Turgut F, Kanbay M, Metin MR, Uz E, Akcay A, Covic A. Magnesium supplementation helps to improve carotid intima media thickness in patients on hemodialysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2008;40(4):1075-82.

125.Schmitt R, Coca S, Kanbay M, Tinetti ME, Cantley LG, Parikh CR. Recovery of kidney function after acute kidney injury in the elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008 Aug;52(2):262-71.

126.Uz E, Bayrak O, Uz E, Kaya A, Bayrak R, Uz B, Turgut FH, Bavbek N, Kanbay M, Akcay A. Nigella sativa oil for prevention of chronic cyclosporine nephrotoxicity: an experimental model. Am J Nephrol. 2008;28(3):517-22.

127.Selcoki Y, Gorpelioglu C, Turgut F, Sarifakioglu E, Ozkara A, Tekin O, Kanbay M, Akcay A. Isotretinoin: is there any arrhythmic effect? Int J Dermatol. 2008 Feb;47(2):195-7.

128.Altay M, Turgut F, Akay H, Kanbay M, Babali A, Akcay A, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Dyspepsia in Turkish patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2008;40(1):211-7.

129.Ozkara A, Turgut F, Selcoki Y, Karanfil A, Metin MR, Kanbay M, Tekin O, Akcay A. Probrain natriuretic peptide for assessment of efficacy in heart failure treatment. Adv Ther. 2007 Nov-Dec;24(6):1233-9.

130.Kanbay M, Turgut F, Karakurt F, Isik B, Alkan R, Akcay A, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Relation between serum thyroid hormone and 'nondipper' circadian blood pressure variability. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2007;30(6):416-20.

131.Uz E, Bavbek N, Turgut FH, Kanbay M, Kaya A, Akcay A. Cefuroxime-induced lupus. J Natl Med Assoc. 2007 Sep;99(9):1066-7.

132.Turgut F, Bayrak O, Kanbay M, Ozkara A, Uz E, Bavbek N, Kargili A, Akcay A. Circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 2008;42(1):47-52.

133.Türkay C, Yönem O, Arici S, Koyuncu A, Kanbay M. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on experimental hepatic fibrogenesis. Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Mar;53(3):789-93.

134.Kanbay M, Isik B, Akcay A, Ozkara A, Karakurt F, Turgut F, Alkan R, Uz E,Bavbek N, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Relation between serum calcium, phosphate,parathyroid hormone and 'nondipper' circadian blood pressure variability profile in patients with normal renal function. Am J Nephrol. 2007;27(5):516-21.

135.Kanbay M, Ozkara A, Selcoki Y, Isik B, Turgut F, Bavbek N, Uz E, Akcay A, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Effect of treatment of hyperuricemia with allopurinol on blood pressure, creatinine clearence, and proteinuria in patients with normal renal functions. Int Urol Nephrol. 2007;39(4):1227-33.

136.Turgut F, Kanbay M, Kaya A, Uz B, Akcay A. Bilateral renal artery embolization in a case with severe proteinuria secondary to amyloidosis in a hemodialysis patient. Amyloid. 2007 Jun;14(2):157-8.

137.Kanbay M, Akcay A, Delibasi T, Uz B, Kaya A, Koca C, Turgut F, Bavbek N, Uz E, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R. Comparison of effects of darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa on serum endothelin level and blood pressure. Adv Ther. 2007 Mar-Apr;24(2):346-52.

138.Yanik B, Bavbek N, Yanik T, Inegöl I, Kanbay M, Turgut FH, Uz E, Akçay A. The effect of alendronate, risedronate, and raloxifene on renal functions, based on the Cockcroft and Gault method, in postmenopausal women. Ren Fail. 2007;29(4):471-6.

139.Kanbay M, Bavbek N, Delibasi T, Koca C, Kaya A, Altay M, Akcay A, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R. Effect of peritoneal dialysis solution type on serum lipid levels in end-stage renal disease. Ren Fail. 2007;29(3):309-13.

140.Turgut F, Kanbay M, Isik B, Akcay A. Risk factors affecting the incidence of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2007 May;71(10):1076; authoe reply 1076.

141.Aytac S, Türkay C, Kanbay M. Helicobacter pylori stool antigen assay in hyperemesis gravidarum: a risk factor for hyperemesis gravidarum or not? Dig Dis Sci. 2007 Oct;52(10):2840-3.

142.Duranay M, Kanbay M, Turgut F, Altay M, Akcay A. Comparison of incidence of peritonitis between peritoneal dialysis solution types. Nephron Clin Pract. 2007;106(1):c57-60.

143.Selcuk H, Uruc I, Temel MA, Ocal S, Huddam B, Korkmaz M, Unal H, Kanbay M, Savas N, Gur G, Yilmaz U, Haberal M. Factors prognostic of survival in patients awaiting liver transplantation for end-stage liver disease. Dig Dis Sci. 2007 Nov;52(11):3217-23.

144.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Akcay A. An occult risk factor for proteinuria: Helicobacter pylori infection. Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(3):709-10.

145.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Isik B, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. H. pylori: a major risk factor for 'non-dipper' circadian variability profile in blood pressure? Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(2):463-4.

146.Turgut F, Kanbay M, Uz B, Carlioglu A, Selcoki Y, Karanfil A, Alici O, Akcay A. A forgotten but important risk factor for infective endocarditis in patients with prosthetic valve: pedicure. Scand J Infect Dis. 2007;39(3):274-6.

147.Kanbay M, Alkis M, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Hyponatremia due to an additive effect of carbamazepine and clarithromycin. South Med J. 2007 Feb;100(2):222.

148.Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Helicobacter pylori: a major risk factor for endothelial dysfunction? Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(1):227-8.

149.Kanbay M, Selcuk H, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. Recurrent acute pancreatitis probably secondary to lisinopril. South Med J. 2006 Dec;99(12):1388-9.

150.Selcuk H, Kanbay M, Korkmaz M, Gulsener P, Gur G, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. Route of nutrition has no effect on the development of infectious complications. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Dec;98(12):1963-6.

151.Altay M, Kanbay M, Kurultak I, Altay FA, Aydogan T, Akcay A, Duranay M. A case of bilateral psoas abscesses and lumbar osteomyelitis due to recurrent salmonella infection. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Nov;98(11):1855-6.

152.Kaya A, Kanbay M, Bayrak O, Eken G, Memis L, Akcay A, Duranay M. Primary renal lymphoma associated with hepatitis C virus infection. Leuk Lymphoma. 2006 Sep;47(9):1976-8.

153.Kanbay M, Delibasi T, Kaya A, Aydogan T, Koca C, Akcay A, Duranay M,Yigitoglu R. Effect of dialysis type on serum lipids,  polipoproteins, and lipoproteins. Ren Fail. 2006;28(7):567-71.

154.Usta B, Gozdemir M, Turgut F, Sert H, Kanbay M, Demircioglu RI, Akcay A. Does hypocalcemia trigger pulmonary embolism? Med Hypotheses. 2007;68(2):464-5.

155.Sahin M, Tutuncu NB, Kanbay M, Guvener ND. Surgery for hyperthyroidism in Down syndrome: case report. Mt Sinai J Med. 2006 Sep;73(5):784-6.

156.Kanbay M, Gur G, Akcay A, Selcuk H, Yilmaz U, Arslan H, Boyacioglu S, Ozdemir FN. Is hepatitis C virus positivity a contributing factor to occult hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients? Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Nov;51(11):1962-6.

157.Aydogan T, Kanbay M, Alici O, Kosar A. Incidence and etiology of thrombocytosis in an adult Turkish population. Platelets. 2006 Aug;17(5):328-31.

158.Kanbay M, Selcuk H, Gur G, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. Involvement of the esophagus in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris who was on immunosuppressive therapy. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Aug;98(8):1369-70.

159.Guler ZM, Kanbay A, Kanbay M, Ciftci B, Erdogan Y. Tuberculous epididymitis presenting with Addison's disease: a rare case. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Jul;98(7):1175-6.

160.Kanbay M, Altundag K, Gur G, Boyacioglu S. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting with granulomatous hepatitis and hemophagocytosis. Leuk Lymphoma. 2006 Apr;47(4):767-9

161.Selcuk H, Kanbay M, Korkmaz M, Gur G, Akcay A, Arslan H, Ozdemir N, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. Distribution of HCV genotypes in patients with end-stage renal disease according to type of dialysis treatment. Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Aug;51(8):1420-5.

162.Kanbay M, Selcuk H, Yilmaz U. Dysphagia caused by cervical osteophytes: a rare case. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Jul;54(7):1147-8.

163.Kanbay M, Aydogan T, Bozalan R, Isik A, Uz B, Kaya A, Akcay A. A Rare but serious side effect of Levofloxacin: hypoglycemia in a geriatric patient. Diabetes Care. 2006 Jul;29(7):1716-7.

164.Kaya A, Kanbay M, Bayrak O, Kurtaran H, Ark N, Catal F, Akcay A. Concomitant nephrotic syndrome with antinuclear antibody seropositivity and Hashimoto thyroiditis in a patient with mycosis fungoides. South Med J. 2006 Jun;99(6):631.

165.Kanbay M, Kaya A, Bozalan R, Aydogan T, Uz B, Isik A, Akcay A. Gabapentin induced edema in a geriatric patient. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2006 May-Jun;29(3):186.

166.Kanbay M, Kanbay A, Boyacioglu S. Helicobacter pylori infection as a possible risk factor for respiratory system disease: a review of the literature. Respir Med. 2007 Feb;101(2):203-9.

167.Kanbay M, Yildirir A, Ulus T, Bilgi M, Kucuk A, Muderrisoglu H. Rhesus positivity and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a new link? Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2006 Apr;14(2):119-22.

168.Kanbay M, Selcuk H, Gur G, Dagli N, Karakus S, Yilmaz U. Response to peginterferon treatment in hepatitis C virus-associated splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes. Am J Hematol. 2006 Apr;81(4):304-5.

169.Kanbay M, Yildirir A, Akcay A, Colak T, Ozdemir FN, Muderrisoglu H, Haberal M. Effects of immunosuppressive drugs on serum lipid levels in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2006 Mar;38(2):502-5.

170.Selcuk H, Kanbay M, Murat K, Yilmaz U. Liver dysfunction after a gluten-free diet in a patient with celiac disease: a new link? Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Jan;51(1):213-4.

171.Kanbay M, Karakus S, Yilmaz U. Portal vein thrombosis due to hyperhomocysteinemia caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency. Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Dec;50(12):2362-3.

172.Aydogan T, Kanbay M, Uz B, Kaya A, Isik A, Bozalan R, Erkman M, Akcay A. Fatal hyperphosphatemia secondary to a phosphosoda bowel preparation in a geriatric patient with normal renal function. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Feb;40(2):177.

173.Kanbay M, Gür G, Yücel M, Yilmaz U, Muderrisoglu H. Helicobacter pylori seroprevalence in patients with coronary artery disease. Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Nov;50(11):2071-4.

174.Guler ZM, Kanbay A, Ciftci B, Kanbay M, Yilmaz A, Agackiran Y, Erdogan Y. Kaposi sarcoma secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis: a rare case. South Med J. 2005 Sep;98(9):933-4.

175.Kanbay M, Akcay A, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Influence of cyclosporine and tacrolimus on serum uric acid levels in stable kidney transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2005 Sep;37(7):3119-20.

176.Akcay A, Kanbay M, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Relationship of posttransplantation erythrocytosis to hypercalcemia in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2005 Sep;37(7):3103-5.

177.Yildirim E, Kanbay M, Ozbek O, Coskun M, Boyacioglu S. Isolated idiopathic ovarian vein thrombosis: a rare case. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2005 Jul-Aug;16(4):308-10.

178.Kanbay M, Gur G, Akcay S, Yilmaz U. Helicobacter pylori seroprevalence in patients with chronic bronchitis. Respir Med. 2005 Oct;99(10):1213-6.

179.Kanbay M, Gür G, Yücel M, Yilmaz U, Boyacioğlu S. Does eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection help normalize serum lipid and CRP levels? Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Jul;50(7):1228-31.

180.Kanbay M, Gür G, Arslan H, Yilmaz U, Boyacioglu S. The relationship of ABO blood group, age, gender, smoking, and Helicobacter pylori infection. Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Jul;50(7):1214-7.

181.Kanbay M, Sengul A, Güvener N. Trauma induced thyroid storm complicated by multiple organ failure. Chin Med J (Engl). 2005 Jun 5;118(11):963-5.

182.Kanbay M, Yildirir A, Bozbas H, Ulus T, Bilgi M, Muderrisoglu H, Akcay A, Ozdemir FN. Statin therapy helps to control blood pressure levels in hypertensive dyslipidemic patients. Ren Fail. 2005;27(3):297-303.

183.Kanbay M, Sekuk H, Yilmaz U, Gur G, Boyacioglu S. Acute pancreatitis associated with combined lisinopril and atorvastatin therapy. Dig Dis. 2005;23(1):92-4.

184.Kanbay M, Gür G, Boyvat F, Taşdelen A, Boyacioğlu S. Spontaneous aortocaval fistula presenting with acute liver and renal failure: a case report. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep;15(3):169-72.

185.Kanbay M, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz U, Gur G, Boyacioglu S. Acute pancreatitis due to ramipril therapy. Postgrad Med J. 2004 Oct;80(948):617-8.

186.Kanbay M, Gür G, Korkmaz M, Demirci B, Boyacioğlu S. Hepatic lymphoma metastasis presenting with severe acute liver failure: a rare case. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2004 Jun;15(2):94-6.

187.Akcay A, Kanbay M, Agca E, Sezer S, Ozdemir FN. Neutropenia due to clopidogrel in a patient with end-stage renal disease. Ann Pharmacother. 2004 Sep;38(9):1538-9.

188.Karakuş S, Kanbay M, Köseoğlu HK, Colak T, Haberal M. Causes of anemia in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2004 Jan-Feb;36(1):164-5.

189.Akcay A, Kanbay M, Sezer S, Ozdemir FN. Acute renal failure and hepatotoxicity associated with roxithromycin. Ann Pharmacother. 2004 Apr;38(4):721-2.



B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler:

B1. Karakus, S., M. Kanbay, H. Koseoglu, T. Colak ve M. Haberal, "Evaluation of anemia causes in renal transplant recipients: one center experience", MESOT Kongresi, Ankara, 2003. 

B2. Akcay, A., M. Kanbay, B. Huddam, C. A. Usluogullar, Z. Arat, F. N. Ozdemir ve M. Haberal, "Relationship of post-transplant erythrocytosis with hypercalcemia in renal transplant recipients", 9. MESOT Kongresi, Ankara, 2004. 

B3. Kanbay, M., A. Akcay, B. Huddam, C. A. Usluogullari, Z. Arat, F. N. Ozdemir ve M.  Haberal, "Influences of cyclosporine and tacrolimus on serum uric acid levels in stable kidney transplant recipients", 9. MESOT Kongresi, Ankara, 2004. 

B4. Kanbay, M., A. Yildirır, M. Bilgin, T. Ulus ve H. Muderrisoglu, "Blood groups and atherosclerosis", 74. Congress of the Europen Atherosclorosis Society, Sevilla, 2004. 

B5. Kanbay, M., A. Yildirir, M. Bilgin, T. Ulus ve M. Muderrisoglu, "Rh positivity and low HDL: a new link?", 74. Congress of the Europen Atherosclorosis Society, Sevilla, 2004. 

B6. Kanbay, M., G. Gur, S. Akcay ve U. Yilmaz, "Helicobacter pylori seroprevalence in patients with chronic bronchitis", European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Kopenhag,  2005.

B7. Selcuk, H., H. Unal, B. Huddam, R. Butros, M. Akcil Temel, M. Korkmaz, H. Sumer, M. Kanbay ve U. Yilmaz, "The prognostic significance of serum cholesterol and sodium levels in cirrhotic patients", 13 th UEGW, Kopenhag, 2005.

B8. Kanbay, M., H. Selcuk, G. Gur, U. Yilmaz, H. Aslan ve F. Ozdemir, "Is HCV positivity a contributory factor for occult hepatitis  B infection?", 13 th UEGW, Kopenhag, 2005.

B9. Bavbek, N., A. Kargili, E. Uz, B. Uz, M. Kanbay, Turgut F, Karakurt F ve Akcay A, "Association of obesity with inflammation in occult chronic kidney disease", XLIV Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Barcelona, 2007.

B10. Ellis, M. J., M. Kanbay, C. R. Parikh ve U. D. Patel, "Chronic kidney disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation: a systematic review", American Society of Nephrology Congress-Renal week, San Francisco, 2007.


B11. Coca, S. G., M. Kanbay, C. R. Parikh ve M. Perazella, "Diagnostic value of urinalysis for acute kidney injury", American Society of Nephrology Congress-Renal week, San Francisco, 2007.


B12. Uz, E., O. Bayrak, E. Uz, A. Kaya, R. Bayrak, B. Uz, F. Turgut, N. Bavbek ve M. Kanbay, "Nigella sativa oil for prevention of chronic cyclosporine nephrotoxicity: an experimental model", XLV Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Stockholm, 2008.


B13. Turgut, F. M. Kanbay, M. Altay, E. Uz, N. Bavbek, C. Koca, S. Secilmis, M. Duranay, A. Akcay ve A. Covic, "Levels and determinants of pro-hepcidin in peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients", XLV Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Stockholm, 2008.


B14. Turgut, F., M. Kanbay, MR. Metin, E. Uz ve A. Akcay, "Magnesium supplementation helps to improve carotid intima media thickness in patients on hemodialysis", XLV Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Stockholm, 2008.


B15. Parikh, C. R., M. Kanbay ve P. McSweeney, "Chronic kidney disease after autologous and allogeneic hematopoietc cell transplantation", American Society of Transplant Congress, Philadephia, 2008.


B16. Kanbay, M., D. Goldsmith, A. Akcay ve A. Covic, "Phosphate - the silent stealthy cardiorenal culprit in all stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review", World congress of nephrology, Milano, 2009.


B17. Kanbay, M., A. Covic, SG. Coca, F. Turgut, A. Akcay ve CR. Parikh, "Sodium Bicarbonate for the Prevention of Contrast-induced Nephropathy: A Meta-analysis of 17 Randomized Trials", World congress of nephrology, Milano, 2009.


B18. Kanbay M., Duranay M., Sen N., Unverdi S., Yilmaz F., Denizli N., Yilmaz B., Cetin M., Isleyen A., Covic A. Bone-morphogenic protein-7 level decreases significantly in patients with contrast-induced nephropathy. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress-II, Münih, 2010.


B19. Kanbay M., Mardare N., Selcoki Y., İkizek M., Aydin M., Agca E., Eryonucu B., Duranay M., Akcay A., Covic A. Fibroblast growth factor-23 and fetuin A are independent predictors fort he coronary artery disease extent in patients with chronic kidney disease. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress-II, Münih, 2010.



D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

D1. Kanbay, M., G. Gür, M. Korkmaz, B. Demirci ve S. Boyacioğlu, “Hepatic lymphoma metastasis presenting with severe acute liver failure: a rare case”, Turk J Gastroentero. 15, 94-96 (2004).

D2. Kanbay, M., G. Gür, F. Boyvat, A. Taşdelen ve S. Boyacioğlu, “Spontaneous aortocaval fistula presenting with acute liver and renal failure: a case report”, Turk J Gastroentero. 15, 169-172 (2004).

D3. Kanbay, M., A. Usluoğulları, B. Huddam, T. Çolak, A. Akçay, H. Kart-Köseoğlu, E. Yücel ve M. Haberal. Böbrek nakli yapılan hastalarda hiperürisemi ve gut hastalığı sıklığı. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4, 7-10 (2006).

D4. Erdurmuş, M., R. Yağcı, B. Aydın, M. Kanbay, R. Karadağ, A. Akçay ve M. Durmuş, “Hemodiyalizin Göz İçi Basıncı ve Santral Korneal Kalınlık Üzerine Etkisi”, Glokom-Katarakt, 1, 267-270 (2006).

D5. Kanbay, M., A. Şengül ve N. Güvener, "Hyperosmolar diabetic coma with acute myocardial infarction complicated with ventricular septal defect", Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 23, 49-51 (2006).

D6. Kanbay, M. ve A. Akçay, "Radyokontrast nefropatisinde güncel yaklaşımlar", Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 23, 134-136 (2006).

D7. Uz, B., E. Uz, M. Kanbay, ME. Uyar, M. Koroglu, A. Koşar ve C. Türkay, "Bone marrow necrois secondary to gastric adenocarcinoma and review of the literature", Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 24, 175-176 (2007).

D8. Selçoki, Y., F. Turgut, A. Özkara, T. Değirmencioğlu, M. Kanbay ve A. Akçay, "High dose fenofibrate monotherapy induced rhabdomyolysis", Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 24, 58-59 (2007).

D9. Uz, B., M. Kanbay, A. Akçay. Sürekli ayaktan periton diyaliz programındaki bir hastada tüberküloz peritoniti. Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 25, 40-42 (2008).

D10. Özkara, A., F. Turgut, Y. Selçoki, M. Kanbay, F. Karakurt ve O. Tekin, "Hipertansiyon hastalarının ilaçlarına ve sağlık merkezlerine uyumları", Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 25, 97-101 (2008).  

D11. Karadağ, R. ve M. Kanbay, "Tedavi ile Kontrol Altında Olan Sistemik Hipertansiyonun Göz İçi Basıncı ve Oküler Puls Amplitüde Etkisi", Glokom-Katarakt, 3, 255-257 (2008).

D12. Karadağ, R., M. Kanbay ve U. C. Keskin, “Vücut Kitle İndeksinin Göz İçi Basıncı ve Oküler Puls Amplitüdüne Etkisi: Bir Ön Çalışma”, Türkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji, (Kabul edildi).

D13. Türkay C, Aydoğan T, Karanfil A, Uyar ME, Selçoki Y, Kanbay M. T-wave depletion and bradycardia possibly secondary to acute pancreatitis: review of the literature. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2009 Dec;20(4):295-7.

D14. Bayram Y, Turgut F, Kırbas I, Kanbay M. İdiyopatik Spontan Renal Arter Diseksiyonu: Nadir bir Olgu. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2010, 19 (3): 206-208.

D15. Özkara A, Turgut F, Selçuki Y, Kanbay M, Tekin O. Physician Adherence to Hypertension Guidelines in ANKARA. Nobel Medicus 2010; 6(1): 20-25

D16. Turgut F, Carlioglu F, Kanbay M, Uz E, Akçay A. Postmenopozal Kadınlarda Sirkadiyen Kan Basıncı Ritmi ile Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Arasındaki İlişki. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2011; 20 (1): 19-25.

D17. Kanbay M, Turgut F, Isik A, Koroglu M, Akcay A. Günlük Kan Basıncı Ritmi ile Serum Ürik Asit ve Beden Kitle İndeksi Arasındaki İlişki. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2011; 20 (1): 32-37.

D18. Selcoki Y, Aydın M, Ikizek M, Armutcu F, Eryonucu F, Kanbay M. Kronik Böbrek Yetmezliği Hastalarında Koroner Arter Hastalığı Ciddiyeti ile “Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine” Arasındaki İlişki. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2011; 20 (1): 58-64.







E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:

E1. Yılmaz, U., M. Kanbay, H. Selcuk, A. H. Cekin, G. Gür, M. Gürsoy ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanama nedenleri", 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2002.

E2. Yılmaz, U., M. Kanbay, H. Selçuk, A. H. Çekin, M. Gürsoy, G. Gür ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Üst gastrointestinal system kanamalarında endoskopik tedavi", 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2002.

E3. Kanbay, M., G. Gür, M. Korkmaz, B. Demirhan ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Fulminan karaciğer yetmezliği ile seyreden karaciğer lenfoması", 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Kuşadası, 2003.

E4. Kanbay, M., G. Gür, H. Arslan, U. Yılmaz ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonu ile kan grubu ilişkisi", 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2004.

E5. Kanbay, M., G. Gür, U. Yılmaz ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunun CRP ve serum lipid düzeyi üzerine etkisi", 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2004.

E6. Şengül, A., M. Kanbay ve N. Güvener, "Multipl organ yetmezliğiyle komplike olan travmanın indüklediği tiroid krizi", 7. Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2005.

E7. Hüddam, B., M. Kanbay ve N. Güvener, "Hiperkalsemi ile prezente olan metastatik medulloblastoma", 7. Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2005.

E8. Kanbay, M., E. Kuscu, H. Ünal, M. Korkmaz, H. Selcuk ve U. Yılmaz, "Gebelik sırasında hipertrigliseridemiye sekonder akut pankreatit", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Malatya, 2005.

E9. Kanbay, M., H. Selcuk, M. Korkmaz, H. Ünal, E. Doğan, G. Künefeci ve U. Yılmaz, "Servikal osteofit sonucu gelişen disfaji: 2 olgu sunumu", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Malatya, 2005.

E10. Kanbay, M., M. Çelikbilek, H. Selçuk, L. Filik, G. Gür, U. Yılmaz ve M. Haberal, "Hepatotrofik viruslerin tuberculin deri testi üzerine olan etkisi", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Malatya, 2005.

E11. Kanbay, M., M. Çelikbilek, H. Selçuk, L. Filik, H. Ünal, U. Yılmaz ve M. Haberal, "Kronik karaciğer hastalarında tüberküloz taramasında tuberculin deri testinin yeri var mı?", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası,  Malatya, 2005,.

E12. Selçuk, H., H. Ünal, M. Korkmaz, M. Kanbay, P. Gülşener, H. Canbaz, U. Yılmaz ve S. Boyacıoğlu, "Nutrisyon desteği verilen hastalarda enfeksiyon gelişimini etkileyen nutrisyonel değişkenler", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası,  Malatya, 2005.

E13. Kanbay, M., A. Usluoğlu, H. Selçuk, G. Gür, U. Yılmaz, S. Boyacıoğlu ve M. Haberal, "Serum lipid düzeyleri karaciğer fonksiyonlarını belirleyen bir parametremidir?", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Malatya, 2005.

E14. Akın, E., H. Selcuk, M. Kanbay, G. Künefeci, H. Sümer ve U. Yılmaz, "Olgu sunumu: Tip 2 diyabetes mellituslu hastada multipl gastric ülsere neden olan candida infeksiyonu", 22. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası,  Malatya, 2005.

E15.  Çarlıoğlu, A., M. E. Uyar, N. Rüzgaresen, E. Uz, M. Kanbay, F. Turgut, E. Erarslan, T. Aydoğan, O. Kaftan ve C. Türkay, "Gastrik sarkoidozlu olgu sunumu", 8. İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2006.

E16. Karakurt, F., ME. Uyar, F. Turgut, A. Kargılı, M. Kanbay, E. Uz, N. Rüzgaresen, A. Akcay, A. Koşar, O. Kaftan ve M. Özbek, "Ağır hiponatremi ile prezente olan miksödem koması",8. İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2006.

E17.  Turgut F., Çarliglu A., Kanbay M., Uz E., Akçay A. Postmenopozal Kadınlarda Sirkadiyen Kan Basıncı Ritmi ilr Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Arasındaki İlişki. 27. Türk Nefroloji Derneği Kongresi, Antalya, 2010

E18. Kanbay M, Yılmaz Mİ, Sönmez A, Solak Y, Sağlam M, Çakır E, Yenicesu M, Oral HU, Çağlar K, Oğuz Y, McFann K, Johnson RJ. Serum Ürik Asit Düzeyi Orta ve Ağır Şiddette Böbrek Yetmezlikli Hastalarda Kardiyovasküler Olay Gelişimi için Bağımsız bir Risk Faktörüdür. 28. Türk Nefroloji Derneği Kongresi, Antalya, 2011